[Texto] Veganismo desde una perspectiva nihilista y anti-civilización. (ES-EN)

Desde: Cyberpunk

El siguiente texto apareció en la revista “Paroxysm of chaos” en el 2015, la traducción de este texto se nos ha dificultado por la forma particular de escribir de Archegonos pese a esto afecta la fluides de la lectura, tratamos de traducirlo lo mas acorde al texto “original” conservando la esencia de lo que quiere decir Archegonos. tambien hemos agregado algunas x, Si hay errores o una traducción mas completa nos la envian.




¿Qué es veganismo? ¿Otra moralidad? ¿Otra alternativa a la sociedad? ¿Otro lago pantanoso dentro del mar infinito de la abominación de lo existente? La mayoría de sus aspectos son moralistas y antropocentristas. De esta parte ni siquiera los anarquistas se pueden escapar. El veganismo como una forma pasiva de “lucha” negligente olvida tener en cuenta muchas cosas desde mi punto de vista. Ahora alguien podría decirme que soy exactamente lo mismo, ya que usted es vegano. Pero no. Mi inicio es completamente diferente. En lugar de una forma de lucha me gustaría precisar que es una forma de abstinencia de una de las ruedas de la civilización y el capitalismo con sus problemáticas en la realidad actual. Debido a que lucha, de quién y hacia quien podría ser? Una lucha del humano civilizado hacia otro tema sobre la explotación podría ser nada más que estéril como muchos otros. Una victimización. Por otra parte como una opción individualista de la abstinencia consciente y negación de parte de lo existente que ve a los compañerxs como materia prima se convierte en una opción dinámica. No hay “buenos” o “malos” para mí. Dentro del sistema del capitalismo yo niego la decadencia que emana de las cárceles y la tiranía de la vida de los animales no-humanos. En otro mundo no sistematizado yo no niego, si las circunstancias de supervivencia exijan que, deba usar cualquier cosa hasta un organismo vivo. Si lo necesitara y fuese más fuerte y pudiese prevalecer. Con respeto a las vidas de mis no-enemigos. Por tanto una forma de abstinencia y anti-necrosis de mi ego de la pena de prisión, la comercialización y la banalización de la vida no humana desde la interminable e infinita noción de civilización. No como “embargo” a la industria de la carne lo que no tendría ningún significado para mí, porque después se encontraría, otros enredos en las ruedas de otra industria. Estos no tienen ningún significado para mí de todos modos ya que los aspectos económicos son parte de este sistema y no tienen nada que ofrecerme. Quiero destruir la economía no usarla políticamente. No como una opción de “bueno” o “malo”, ya que yo no reconozco ningún tipo de normalidad moral que provenga de las estructuras sociales o culturales, ni me preocupo por la moralidad en lo absoluto. Así que es sólo una herramienta se puede utilizar en las actuales circunstancias y nada más. Es el enfoque más cercano a mi individualidad que ha negado el antropocentrismo.
De todos modos no se puede ser 100% vegano o mantener una actitud hacia la tierra como tu hayas querido en un sistema que todo lo asimila y lo hemos visto muchas veces. Al ser un anarquista te das cuenta rápidamente de que todo el interior del sistema, del Estado y la civilización es tu enemigo. Te encuentras en una guerra constante. Todas las necesidades básicas de productos dentro del sistema que se podría hacer sin animales no-humanos que tienen que morir por las necesidades de consumo y de varias compañías que desean esclavizar nuestras vidas, podrían ser tóxicos o no degradable en el medio ambiente terrestre, o podrían ser los productos de las compañias vegan o ambientalistas que se estária jugando a otro juego de ganancias y consumismo abordando la moral o estilo de vida de consumidores y creando otras sociedades, asimilables, y por supuesto controlables por el sistema. Incluso si eliges tácticas, digamos como un ejemplo: expropiar zapatos, podrías evitar contribuir en parte económica al sistema del consumismo, pero nunca estarás seguro de que si tiene o no evitar el hecho de que los zapatos que robaste podían ser probable de aquellos materiales que son tóxicos y no degradables (y habrían sido hechos de una manera que contamina el medio ambiente terrestre), o incluso tener pegamento en los que utiliza los productos extraídos desde prisioneros animales no humanos. Los sistemas de explotación y destrucción del hombre civilizado hacia todo lo que amamos son interminables. Así como un nihilista y con la conciencia de un anarco-individualista por la liberación total, no veo el veganismo y mi conciencia sobre la tierra a través de cualquier moral esclavizante que pudiesen ser fácilmente asimilables por el sistema (el sistema incluye las leyes, las instituciones, la moral, el Estado, la sociedad, la civilización, etc.) y considero ridículo incluso para mí mismo jugar el juego de la política, de buscar y encontrar los productos veganos o lo amigable con el medio ambiente dentro del sistema de fundamental explotación y banalización de la nada libre y viva que existe. Por lo tanto yo soy un vegano fuera de la conciencia personal, dada las actuales circunstancias, sin llegar a ser un monje, tratando de alguna manera dificultar en algún camino tanto como pueda abstenerse de la decadencia antropocéntrica dominante de la vida en este mundo y la conciencia anti-civilización es justamente otra parte más de lo esotérico de la individualidad que no reconoce ninguna otra entidad por encima del individuo y sus deseos, analiza la tierra como una parte integral de la existencia caótica y revaloriza su relación con ella y todas las otras individualidades. Sólo a través de la espontaneidad, la negación de lo que nos han enseñado incluyendo todos los valores y los ideales que viene de la sociedad, de uno mismo es el pensamiento único y crítico, de los momentos de ataque y la realización personal y yo también podría decir que el acercarse al medio ambiente terrestre, pude ver un sentido de la existencia (significado personal, no como una verdad objetiva) de mi individualidad.
El veganismo es claramente sólo una herramienta en contra de algunos sistemas. Para las otras formas de liberación de cada individualidad de cada uno de nosotros puede inventar sus propios caminos. No hay una manera efectiva/ significante o no. Establecemos objetivos, somos pacientes, que usamos todos los medios materiales y destinados contra el enemigo y contra cualquier poder que se nos ha dejado y siempre que podamos atacar como el águila sin barreras morales ni el respeto a sus vidas. Ni por un “mayor objetivo”, pero por el tiempo que se nos ha sido robado a nosotrxs. Lejos de reclamaciones moralistas como “la carne es asesinato” Siento la necesidad de atacar todo lo que ataca mi percepción estética y no me deja obtener placer de mi entorno. Yo no tengo la necesidad de criticar al compañero que no sigue los métodos del veganismo por sus propias razones, pero ha desarrollado un análisis profundo contra lo existente, a pesar de comer carne y que el uso de los animales no-humanos es la forma más dominante de la vida en el planeta, al grado de que este compañero habrá alcanzado un estado de conciencia a través de un pensamiento crítico que no lo hará dejarlo haciéndolo caer en la complacencia con sus decisiones o considerar una forma de vida inferior o superior, normal o anormal. Voy a criticar, aunque con seguridad a todos esos los que no cuestionan los hábitos masivos de vida, así como todos los anarquistas que su crítica se origina sólo en el ídolo del mundo antropomorfo.
(Este texto apunta a la desestabilización del término veganismo a través moral y social, incluso cadenas políticas y toque en la cuestion de que si no se alinea con una totalmente hostil conciencia hacia lo existente, entonces no deja de ser otro engaño o ilusión. Es decir, si las personas que utilicen esta herramienta han hecho que otra moral o no tengan algunos riesgos con actos de ataque (esto puede tomar muchas formas, no sólo físicos) o interrupción caótica, entonces sigue siendo de barro dentro de la ciénaga de donde vino.)



What is veganism? Another morality? Another alternative of society? Another swampy lake inside the infinite sea of the abomination of the existent? Most of its aspects are moralistic and anthropocentric. From this part not even the anarchists can escape. Veganism as a passive form of “struggle” neglects to consider many things from my point of view. Now someone could tell me it is exactly the same since you are a vegan. But no. My start is completely different. Instead of a form of struggle I would specify that as a form of abstinence from one of the wheels of civilization and capitalism with the admittance of its problematics in the present reality. Because as a struggle, from whom and towards whom would that be? A struggle of the civilized human towards yet another subject of exploitation could be nothing more than as sterile as many others. A victimization. On the other hand as an individualist choice of conscious abstinence and negation of the part of the existent that sees our comrades as raw material it becomes a dynamic choice. There is no “good” or “evil” for me. Inside the system of capitalism I deny the decadence which emanates from prisons and the tyranny of the life of the non-human animals. In another non-systematized world I would not deny, if the circumstances of survival demanded that, to use anything from whichever living organism. If I needed that and I was stronger I would prevail. With respect for the lives of my non-enemies. So a form of abstinence and anti-necrosis of my ego from the imprisonment, commercialization and trivialization of non– human life from the endless and infinite notion of civilization. Not as “embargo” to the industry of meat which would have no meaning for me because afterwards you will find yourself nonetheless entangled in the wheels of another industry. These have no meaning for me anyways since the economics are a part of this system and have nothing to offer me. I want to destroy economy not to use it politically. Not as a choice of “good” or “bad” since I do not acknowledge any form of moral normality that comes from social or cultural structures, nor do I care about morality at all. So it is just a tool one can use given the current circumstances and nothing more. It is the closest approach for my individuality that has negated anthro- pocentrism.
Anyway you cannot be 100% vegan or keep an attitude towards the earth that you might have wanted through a system that everything is assimilable and we have seen that many times. Being an anarchist you realize quickly that everything inside the system of the state and civilization is your enemy. You find yourself in a constant war. All of the basic need products inside the system will either be made out of non-human animals that have died
for the needs of consumerism and the various companies which enslave our lives, or will be toxic or non-degradable by the earthly environment, or will be the products of the vegan or environmentalist companies which there is being played another game of profit and consumerism approaching the moral or lifestyle consumers and creating other societies,assimilable, and of course controllable by the system. Even if you choose tactics, let’s say as an example to expropriate shoes, you could avoid to contribute to the economic part of the system of consumerism but you will never be certain of whether or not you have avoided the fact that the shoes you stole could most likely have on them materials that are toxic or non-degradable (and would have been made in a way that pollutes the earthly environment), or even to have glue on them that uses extracted products from prisoner non-human animals. The systems of exploitation and destruction of the civilized man towards everything we love is endless. So as a nihilist and with conscience for total liberation anarchist individual, I don’t see veganism and my awareness about the earth through any moral chains which would be easily assimilable by the system (the system includes laws, institutions, morals, state, society, civilization e.t.c.) and I consider ridiculous even for myself to play the game of politics, of looking to find the vegan products or those friendly to the environment inside the system of ultimate exploitation and trivialization of anything free and alive that exists. Therefore I am a vegan out of personal conscience, given the current circumstances, without becoming a monk, trying in any way and as much as I can to abstain from the dominant anthropocentric decadence of life in this world and the anti-civilization conscience is just another part of the esoteric of the individuality that acknowledging no other entity above the individual and his/her desires, analyzes the earth as a chaotic integral part of existence and reappraises his/her relation to it and all the other individualities. Only through spontaneity, the negation of what we have been taught including all valuesand ideals coming from society, oneself’s uniqueness and critical thinking, moments of attack and self-fulfillment and I could also say the coming closer to the earthly environment, I could see a meaning of existence (personal meaning, not as an objective truth) of my individuality.
Veganism is clearly only a tool against some systems. For the other forms of liberation of each individuality each one of us can invent his/her own ways. There is no effective way/ means or not. We set targets, we are patient, we use every material and means against the enemy and with whatever power we have been left with and whenever we can we attack like the eagle without any moral barriers nor respect for their lives. Not for a “greater purpose”, but for the time that has been stolen from us. Away from moralistic claims like “meat is murder” I feel the need to attack everything that attacks my aesthetic perception and doesn’t leave me to get pleasure from my surroundings. I don’t have the need to criticize the comrade who does not follow the methods of veganism for his/her own reasons, but has developed a deep analysis against the existent, although meat eating and the use of non-human animals is the most dominant form of living on the planet, insomuch as this comrade will have reached a state of consciousness through critical thinking which will not leave him/her to fall into complacency with his/her choices or consider one way of livinginferior or superior, normal or abnormal. I will criticize though for sure all those who do not question the mass habits of living as well as all the anarchists that their criticism originates only from the idol of the anthropomorphous world.

(This text is aiming for the destabilization of the term veganism through moral and social, even political chains and touch on the thing that if it doesn’t align with a totally hostile consciousness towards the existent, then it doesn’t cease to be another hoax or delusion. That is to say if the persons using this tool have made that another morality or don’t take some risks with acts of attack (this can take many forms not only physical) or chaotic disruption then it remains mud inside the swamp where it came from.)T
Fuente: Paroxysm of chaos

[Ingles] Revista Regresión N° 4 versión en ingles (Regresion Magazine: “A Journal Against Technoindustrial Progress”)

Enviada por: Maldición Eco-extremista


La Revista Regresión N° 4 ahora en versión en inglés, esperando a que este sea un aporte para la crítica y la expansión del eco-extremismo en países angloparlantes, porque ya va siendo hora de responder con esto, las críticas del primitivismo buenista zerzaniano y de sus compinches.

Traducción: “Chahta-Ima”.
Edición: “Grupo editor de la Revista Regresión”

En defensa extrema de la naturaleza salvaje!
Guerra contra el sistema tecnológico, la civilización y el progreso moderno!

Revista Regresión (Cuadernos contra el progreso tecnoindustrial)



“For too long man has been degraded and nature denied. The detractors of man, legislators, founders of societies, have made of him a monster. Through their blindness, through their corruption by which that band of barbarians, those devourers of corpses and skeletons reduce the human race to a condition inferior to that of animals. Those fortunate swindlers dominate humanity by their vices and sacrifice it to politics with acts of authority. All of those ingrates who can only sit on pillows impose work on man. In like manner they brutalize man with their pedantry, their religions and their arsenal of absurd and capricious laws which prevent him from feeling his degradation. They attribute to him bad instincts, they classify them as criminal in order to provide a justification, and make themselves his masters and guides. And proud and implacable masters at that who will not leave a man alone until the graveside. And these presumed heroes, these simonious destroyers, are the ones who have reddened the earth with blood. These same men have refused to recognize the savages as members of the human race, in order to enslave and slaughter them.”

­ Taken from “Man and Nature” of Alfred Merne (Naturian writer), Revista Blanca N. 122,
August 11th, 1903, Madrid, Spain

Wild Reaction (RS) is dead. The project that united various eco­anarchist, anticivilization, and terrorist groups has finished, but the war continues. It was only a matter of time for the new groups to publish texts and justifications for their actions as has been the case in the past.

The editors of this magazine (as was stated in the last RS communique of August 14th of this year) will continue their literary endeavor to cover all of the violent acts against civilization, technology, modernity, human progress, and artificiality.

We have rejected the selectivism that previously characterized us and in our last publication, “Accursed Chronology: The History of Wild Reaction”, we have included many attacks that took place in Mexico as well as outside of this territory which weren’t necessarily the work of the factions of RS, but were done by groups that are beginning to demonstrate signs of conflict with the technological system. The war against harmful modernity takes place at multiple stages.

Each one will know which one he or she is in, what necessity there is in a given context to undertake an extremist attack in defense of wild nature.
The tendency of eco­extremism has been the stage that has appealed to us the most. Within
RS we found many similarities between ourselves and others who follow this tendency.
The individualists who once formed part of this completed project have sharing various qualities which we will mention below. With this we are not saying that everyone who ends up carrying out extremist acts against the technological system HAS to be this way, but these qualities should be taken into consideration at the very least.

Affinity with and respect for wild nature: There exists a very intimate and symbiotic relationship between nature and our species. We have been losing it little by little with the passing of the generations, but it is possible to reconnect ourselves, and to recuperate our wild nature (though not totally, sure).

We hold nature in high esteem. We come forth from it and we will return to it. To defend it and defend our deepest roots which link us to it is merely a consequence of our still being human and not humanoids. The ability to survive, to recognize flora and fauna, hunting, gathering, and the imagination that makes possible a life as far from civilization as one can muster, are tools which assist the individualist and his circle of like­minded people.

Determination: Daring is one of the things that characterizes our factions. It is necessary to act coldly and without hesitation concerning bystanders during an attack, sabotage, or holdup. If there are any doubts or if they are not sure about defending themselves by any means necessary (to kill or be killed), they’re better off not trying it. In other words, one must be indiscriminate.

Austerity: This decadent society makes us want stuff that we don’t need, though some refuse to see this and are enslaved by the endless pursuit of more trinkets. The majority of people are trying to keep up with the Joneses, they dream of making it big, of having the latest gadgets and comforts, etc. For us, all of that is an abomination. Simplicity: making do with what you have and rejecting civilized vices regarding coveting unnecessary things. These are well­known traits of the eco­extremist individualist.

Sobriety: Keeping sober and rejecting all legal and illegal drugs is really important for our tendency, as we have to be on our toes for whatever might develop. Getting drunk, smoking cigarettes or pot, shooting drugs, huffing, trying to “cure” yourself with homeopathic medicines, or injecting your body with harmful substances makes you stupid, and shows that you don’t even respect yourself. It shows lack of self­control, weakness and carelessness. Thus we reject this behavior totally.

Patience: This is one of the most respectable virtues. Desperation is a disease of civilization. Here we see everything going at breakneck speed, we’re running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and our humdrum provokes desperation in us. To be patient and be careful not only in our actions against the system but also in our daily lives keeps you from getting into problems that have befallen others (jail, accidents, death, etc.) But we repeat, this path is safer but it is by no means foolproof.

Constancy: Working on a project like this is never easy. Unforeseen problems will always arise, and you have to be ready for anything.
Having real motivation will help you to be consistent as an ecoextremist individualist; to work hard and accomplish modest short­term goals that will help you to achieve concrete objectives.

We at Regresion have the goal of publishing this journal, with the objective of providing an appropriate platform for this tendency. If something changes within someone and that person decides to individually join the war passed down to us from our ancestors, we wish him all the best, though this isn’t our goal specifically (to change people’s minds). If that happens, it’s by pure coincidence.

Responsibility: We define responsibility as accepting the aftermath of your actions and assuming the consequences of what you have done.

Realism: Reality often presents us with a defeatist and very pessimistic scenario. Nevertheless, accepting this reality is crucial for removing the blindfold and accepting things just as they are, even if this is difficult. This blindfold is of course utopia. Many have criticized Individualists Tending Toward the Wild or Wild Reaction and similar groups for rejecting the idea of a “better tomorrow”. They critique these groups for not expecting a positive result from fighting in this war, or for rejecting hope. But people are always going to hear only what they want, and not Reality.
The eco­extremist individualist is a realist and pessimist at the same time. He doesn’t listen to the nagging of the puerile optimist; for him, the world is full of dark realities, and he must confront these with strength, defending himself from them with tooth and claw.

Of course we have left out some points. We have chosen to mention the most important ones that occurred to us here.
Eco­extremism is a tendency, not a theory. It is not a rule. All those who feel committed to wild nature will understand it; those who don’t will not.

Autumn 2015

Regresion Magazine: “A Journal Against Technoindustrial Progress”


[Alemania] El conflicto contra RWE se está calentando…

Desde y traducido por: La Rebelión de las Palabras

El conflicto contra RWE en el bosque de Hambach se ha intensificado cada día desde el comienzo de este nuevo año.

Muchas individualidades abrazando una diversa variedad de tácticas han estado trabajando duro para traer las travesuras anarquistas a la mina.

Algunos elementos de rechazo práctico por parte de lxs okupas del bosque incluyen:

  • Barricadas continuas bloqueando las carreteras usadas por los vehículos de seguridad y construcción, así como daños estructurales a los puentes que usan con fuego y piquetas.
  • Clavos en los árboles y colocación de “artefactos explosivos potenciales improvisados” en las zonas amenazadas del bosque, así como también más y más barricadas, plataformas y defensas de árboles más profundas en el bosque.
  • Los aparatajes tecnológicos de RWE, tales como estaciones de bombeo de agua, mástiles de radio y transformadores eléctricos siendo incendiados casi a diario.
  • Sabotaje de la infraestructura de transporte de carbón, tales como cortocircuitos en las líneas de energía que corren por encima de las vías del tren y quema de componentes eléctricos a lo largo de la vía.
  • Numerosos ataques con piedras, tirachinas, pirotecnia y cócteles molotov contra las fuerzas de seguridad de la mina, ya sea emboscándoles en sus patrullas o enfrentándoles directamente en los puntos de control. Muchos de esos actos han sido ahora llevados a cabo en venganza por el intento de asesinato, la hospitalización y el subsecuente encarcelamiento de un compañero el 21 de enero.

Por supuesto, esto no ha pasado desapercibido por la policía, que conoce abiertamente el área rodeando la mina como “territorio sin ley”. Durante alrededor de una semana desde ahora, la vigilancia en las okupaciones del bosque se ha incrementado, con helicópteros rondando el cielo durante algún tiempo casi cada día, y enviando grupos de maderos con equipo antidisturbios al interior del bosque. También han hecho varios intentos de controles de identidad a personas que venían al bosque desde la estación de tren.

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